4’x100′ 4oz.

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Product Specifications

A premium 4 oz.landscape fabric made of woven and non-woven polypropylene fabrics, needle-punched together with plant lines every 12 inches for easy plant alignment. This fabric is commercial grade and keeps weeds out of beds but still allows water to percolate in.

Shape of area?


Total Needed:

Area: ft Cubic Yards: yds Total Tons: ton

Let us Help!

Estimating this material can get a little tricky. Please call our professionals and they would be happy to provide you with an estimate.

Call Us 402.420.1477

Size:4'x100' 4 oz.

Estimated Coverage:400 ft sq.

Delivery/Pickup Options

Have Questions?

Call Us 402-420-1477 Or

Email Us info@outdoorsolutions-lincoln.com